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How a Healthcare Help Desk Can Improve Patient Experience

Written by ThinkSecure Network | June 20, 2021

When your patients rest at the heart of everything you do, it’s natural to want to enhance their experience. As medical practices are becoming increasingly digital, finding the right healthcare helpdesk can make a big difference. If this is something you haven’t given much thought, here’s how finding the right one can improve the experience for your patients.


In short, a helpdesk is a service that assists users when they have a problem with an app or piece of software. In a healthcare setting, this could mean a helpdesk that assists physicians and other healthcare staff when they have an IT problem.

If your patients use electronic records or perform tasks such as ordering repeat prescriptions online, helpdesks can help them resolve any technical difficulties they may have. For example, if they forget their password, they can request a password reset. Similarly, helpdesks are available to address any issues clinicians have, which can then make them more efficient in their role.


The beauty of living in a digital world is that everything has the potential to be faster. At the same time, patients are aware of this and so they expect the speed that usually comes with digitalization.

When your helpdesk does its job well, the staff there can benefit patient care in several ways.

Identifying common problems

A great helpdesk will examine and record previous tickets. Some may perform analytics on recent interactions. In both cases, this helps them to identify common problems and make the user more efficient.

For example, if a clinician repeatedly faces a problem with accessing patient information, the person working at the helpdesk will be able to see this recorded within the previous tickets. They can then provide a resolution faster, which allows the clinician to return to their job. With regard to patient care, this could result in fewer delays.

Expediting IT system use

On average, it takes 82 hours to resolve a helpdesk request, and just over 7 hours to provide an initial response. A good helpdesk will move much faster than this, and when it does this will expedite the way your IT systems are used.

For patients, this means faster treatment and reassurance. If it concerns ordering repeat prescriptions, it can also improve their continuity of care.

Ensuring the smooth running of a hospital

Hospitals don’t just depend on doctors. From cleaning and air conditioning to lab technicians, the smooth running of each system can make a patient’s experience more comfortable.

According to some statistics, 52% of businesses believe that technology allows them to deliver a better customer experience. This could also apply to care settings, where technology allows for better patient experiences. When you have the right helpdesk support, you can use technology to support all the departments that make a hospital run smoothly.


Patient expectations are only going to grow higher. They expect the best from their healthcare and they know that the age of computers can provide faster results. Using a helpdesk to benefit patients allows you to meet their expectations. It can also reduce the stress of your clinicians’ experience and may aid them in making better clinical decisions. Now all you need to do is find the right helpdesk support for your clinical setting.