White Paper | Metro Anesthesia Consultants
When you are in charge of 149 locations and 100 physicians, you don’t want to have to worry about your office technology, you just want it to work. That is why Andrea Cameron, the Chief Operating Officer of Metro Anesthesia Consultants in Texas, chose ThinkSecureNet’s dedicated healthcare division, SecureNetMD to take over the service desk support, HIPAA compliance training, mobile device management, security risk assessment, project management services, network security and more for the busy practice.
When Cameron came on board as COO in September 2016, she came into a practice that had grown from six doctors to 100 in a 20-year period. While Metro Anesthesia had maintained a high level of patient care, they were feeling growing pains in their IT system. Cameron called SecureNetMD right away. In looking for a solution, Cameron turned to ThinkSecureNet.
"It’s not every day that you can call on a single managed service provider to deliver knowledge, resources, and the experience necessary to coordinate with 149 facilities. ThinkSecureNet defines project management." — Andrea Cameron, COO Metro Anesthesia Consultants
About Client
Metro Anesthesia Consultants is a premier anesthesia group in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro Anesthesiaplex. Since its establishment in 1991 with six doctors, it has grown to include more than 100 physicians from over 149 facilities. Metro Anesthesia physicians work in a multi-disciplinary team environment to continually upgrade their process and patient care. At its exclusive facilities, members of Metro Anesthesia persistently work with the Chief Operating Officers and OR Directors to improve the flow of cases and management of the facility’s resources while also working to optimize surgeon block time, reduce/eliminate gaps, and create policies for flow.
Metro Anesthesia Consultants' expansive growth resulted in frustration from growing pains. This left the organization overwhelmed with balancing technology, rather than focusing on what is most important to them—increasing patient care. Metro’s COO, Andrea Cameron, reached out to ThinkSecureNet’s dedicated HIPAA compliant healthcare division, SecureNetMD, for help. SecureNetMD has become an extension of us,” said Cameron.
“All the operating stuff, that is a given. I want dependability and that’s what SecureNetMD delivers best"- Andrea Cameron, COO Metro Anesthesia Consultants
SecureNetMD technicians worked to anticipate problems and questions that could become specific to an anesthesia practice. SecureNetMD even took the time to build a centralized knowledge base around Metro Anesthesia’s needs. SecureNetMD also had to think about what those problems could be in different hospitals and care centers where Metro Anesthesia physicians work. Having that in place has freed up time and resources for Cameron’s on-site team to work on bigger projects, some of which she hired SecureNetMD to help them implement. Cameron was very impressed with the timeSecureNetMD took to work with the doctors to prepare them for the system being put in place, so they would know what to do if they had trouble.